Our most important rule may sound banal at first - but only until you learn more about our values: We like chic, well-tailored, original clothes. For us, it goes without saying that they are produced fairly, are harmless to our skin and that both the raw materials and the processing are certified ecological.
Yes, it costs a few euros more here and there. Yes, it sometimes takes a few days longer here and there. But stinginess is not cool, it is fairness, ecological responsibility, humanity, transparency and quality. Slow Fashion!
Maybe we can't save the world, but we like the idea.
We have put together the most important information about our textiles for you here. The following applies to all our products:

Each of our textiles is made from multi-certified organic cotton. Fact.

Our fair trade certified textiles are embroidered and printed in Germany.

Of course, all products are made from 100% animal-free, vegan materials.
Fakt: Mehr als 80 % der Kleidungsstücke in der EU werden weggeworfen.
Noch ein Fakt: 99% unserer Textilien sind so giftig wie Plastik oder Reifen. Sie enthalten viele Schadstoffe durch das Färben, Bleichen oder Bedrucken. Das trägst Du nicht nur täglich, Vieles davon landet auch nach kurzer Zeit im Müll: aus welchen Gründen auch immer.
Der größte Teil dieses (giftigen!) Textilmülls landet wenig überraschend: in der Natur. In Afrika, in Südamerika. Wo immer eben korrupte Behörden und verantwortungslose Konzerne ein Geschäft mit der Entsorgung wittern.
Allein in der südamerikanischen Atacama-Wüste landen fast 60.000 Tonnen Kleidung pro Jahr. Darunter unter Umständen auch Deine alten Klamotten.

Neben erschreckend viel Greenwashing und stumpfem Marketing ist die Alternative tatsächlich simpel. Und die funktioniert eben nur von beiden Seiten: von unserer und von Deiner. Das tun wir von unserer aus:
- Wir produzieren nur on demand, was Du auch bestellst. Bedeutet: Keine asiatische Massenproduktion aus Containern.
- Unsere Baumwolle ist zu 100% BIO-zertifiziert.
- Jeder Arbeiter der Lieferkette vom Baumwollanbau bis zur Stickveredelung ist kontrolliert fair bezahlt.
- Wir verwenden weder in der Produktion, noch beim Versand Plastik. Wir verzichten auf zweifelhafte Chemikalien, Umweltgifte, Tierversuche. Unsere Textilien sind zu 100% vegan produziert.
- Wir produzieren hochwertig und langlebig durch echte, hochwertige Sticke: Da wäscht kein Druck aus. Dein neues Lieblingsstück: Das hält!
Unser Vorschlag für Deine Seite:
“Buy less, choose well, make it last.”
(Vivienne Westwood)
Our shirts are made of 100% vegan organic cotton, untouched by chemical insecticides, fertilizers or pesticides and bear (among other things) the Fair Wear seal. Our hoodies are made from 85% organic cotton and 15% certified recycled polyester.
Not fair trade for us: Our range of textiles is created according to the guidelines of the Fair Wear Foundation. Fair working hours according to industry standards, no forced or child labor and fair wages for all people involved in the production process.

For some it is a trend, for us it is the essential basis of our work. Even if many people can no longer hear "sustainability" after inflationary use: We only produce (embroider and print) our textiles after your order (incredibly fast, by the way, don't worry!). We do not sell mass-produced goods from Asia, but only refine each organic-certified part after your order in Germany: by fairly paid employees. In this way, unwanted, unnecessarily produced masses of textiles do not come into circulation in the first place. After that, your new pieces will be delivered to you in plastic-free packaging !
Each textile was not only designed for you in Germany, but also produced in Germany and embroidered here with the utmost care. When we print textiles, we use the environmentally friendly DTG & DTF process. The colors used are GOTS-certified and therefore 100% harmless.
Our supply chain is certified to various standards by several independent bodies and leading global organizations. More control, more responsibility, more trust: it's not possible.